Wednesday, July 27, 2011

RE: A modern look for gvim (win32)

Tobbe Lundberg wrote:
> So the general consensus seems to be that it would be nice to
> have a more modern GUI, if it's all optional and doesn't
> limit the uses of vim in any way. You all also seem to agree
> that this is a big undertaking and that I shouldn't do it alone.

There is one more wet blanket you need to be aware of.

Suppose that after a lot of effort and testing, some changes
were proposed that involved adding a thousand lines of code,
along with fifty #ifdef, and involving several source files.

It may be the case that the complexity would rule out acceptance
of the proposed changes since adding stuff to the source makes
future maintenance and development more difficult.

My suggestion would be to start by getting a good feel for how
many source files and #ifdef features would be involved. Also,
think about compatability with existing behaviour. For example,
when multiple windows are displayed in current Vim, each window
has a customisable status line. How would that work with the
"modern GUI" style?


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