Friday, July 29, 2011

Re: netrw dir listing position

On Friday, July 29, 2011 11:19:34 Steve Sullivan wrote:

> Hi,

> Is there a way to make the netrw dir listing maintain
> the cursor position?

> For example if I do a dir listing on a big dir, scroll down,
> and press enter to edit a file, when I go back to the dir
> listing the cursor is no longer at the file where I left it.
> The cursor starts over at the top of the dir listing.

> This is a pain if I want to edit a handful of files chosen
> from the netrw listing.

> Is there a way to maintain the cursor position in the dir
> listing?

charles may know a better way, but indirectly, here's how i
used to do it (i've since stopped using netrw, but the
principle applies)

i've defined shift-F11 as my browser key with

nmap <silent> <S-F11> :call MyExplore('')<CR>
function! MyExplore(s)
if a:s == "t"
call MyExploreT()
call CdCurBuf()
let wh = ' ' . escape(expand("%:t"), '.\') . '$'
call Maikallfiles()
call search(wh)
normal zz

you could use the same logic replacing 'call Maikallfiles()'
with 'call Explore()' or your netrw invocation of choice --
'e .' is many ppl's favorite

the call to CdCurBuf simply changes current directory to the
directory of the current file -- i finally weaned myself from
setting 'autochdir' -- in this case you won't find the current
file unless the directory is current to it

for completeness here it is:

function! CdCurBuf()
let cwd = getcwd()
let cth = expand("%:p:h")
if cwd ==# cth
echo 'cwd already ' cth
execute 'cd '.cth
echo 'cwd changed to ' cth


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