Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Re: Print function

On Wednesday, July 27, 2011 11:30:48 am Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

> On Wed, 27 Jul 2011, John Culleton wrote:

> > For some time now I have used Gvim on Linux Slackware without

> > difficulty in printing. But my latest Slackware is set up wtih Cups

> > and most programs give me a choice between my two printers.

> >

> > It appears that Gvim doesn't use Cups. And the older lpr method

> > doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to cajole Gvim to use Cups as

> > does Scribus, Gimp, Acrobat Reader, KMail etc.?


> It would surprise me (a lot) to learn that GVim truly isn't using CUPS.

> On virtually every system I've used that has CUPS installed, `lpr` is

> part of CUPS. (On OpenSUSE `lpr` is part of 'cups-client', under Gentoo

> it's part of 'net-print/cups')


> If you're sure it's not using CUPS and need to finagle it, take a look


> in the help concerning the 'printexpr' option:

> :help pexpr-option


> Otherwise, to send output to a different printer, use the 'printdevice'


> option:

> :help 'pdev'


> AFAIK, GVim won't use a standard "Print" dialog (though some of the help

> text seems to suggest otherwise... maybe only on Win32?).



I fixed it by copying the lpoptions file from an old partition and making sure that /usr/doc/cups belonged to root:root.

John Culleton

"Death Wore Black" Police procedural:

"Create Book Covers with Scribus"

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