Friday, July 29, 2011

Re: vim command line esc-key

Reply to message «vim command line esc-key»,
sent 12:03:01 29 July 2011, Friday
by zak:

You can use vim own interpretation of double quotes:

vim -c "execute \"normal! qeiHello World!\eq10@e:q!\n\""

I tested this in cmd provided with wine and it seem to work. I suggest you to
switch to normal terminal though.

Original message:
> Hi,
> is something like
> >vim -c "normal qeiHello World!<Esc>q10@e:q!<cr>"
> possible under Win XP in the MS-DOS cmd?
> <Esc> is my problem.
> I have a german keyboard.
> Strg++ produces ^] in cmd (a synonym for <Esc>??) but just produces
> "^]" in the editor window.
> Thanks!

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