Sunday, August 28, 2011

Re: Copy and paste problem

Thank you ZyX! And thank you Gary again! I get last version from mercurial repo build it and viola! - it now works just as I dreamed about.

2011/8/27 ZyX <>
Reply to message «Re: Copy and paste problem»,
sent 20:52:14 27 August 2011, Saturday
by Михаил Голубев:

> Using ^= instead of += is really nice tip, though my vim doesn't have any
> unnamedplus option for clipboard command(
It was introduced in vim-7.3.74.

Original message:
> Thank you, Gary!
> Using ^= instead of += is really nice tip, though my vim doesn't have any
> unnamedplus option for clipboard command(
> 2011/8/27 Gary Johnson <>
> > On 2011-08-27, ?????? ??????? wrote:
> > > Hello, dear Vim society!
> > >
> > > I always want my vim more freely communicate with another applications
> > > on
> >
> > my
> >
> > > computer. So after googling a bit and digging in vim help I found the
> >
> > next
> >
> > > fancy option:
> > >
> > > set clipboard+=unnamed
> > >
> > > on Windows it does exactly what I wish, but on Linux it works works
> > > only
> >
> > by
> >
> > > half...
> > >
> > > Then I copy or paste some text somewhere (not in vim) it by default
> >
> > stored in
> >
> > > two vim select registers: "+ and "*. With above option enabled I can
> >
> > easily
> >
> > > paste it then from "* into any of my vim buffers with p/P commands
> >
> > without
> >
> > > specifying register. Thats really handful. But when I copy (yank) text
> > > in
> >
> > vim
> >
> > > itself, the text now saved in "" and "* but not in "+ ! And when I try
> > > to
> >
> > paste
> >
> > > text in another program the "+ register content (if any) is inserted
> > > and
> >
> > that
> >
> > > is not what I want at all. So I either need to press mouse middle
> > > button
> >
> > to
> >
> > > insert desired text from "*, or use context menu or menu bar in vim (to
> >
> > cruel)
> >
> > > or explicitly choose register typing "+y.
> > >
> > > May be I missed something? Is it possible to to achieve the effect of
> >
> > above
> >
> > > option but with "+ register instead?
> >
> > I have
> >
> >    set clipboard^=unnamed
> >
> > and for me it "just works", but my habits and expectations may be
> >
> > different from yours.  You might try this instead:
> >    set clipboard^=unnamedplus
> >
> > which will use the + register instead of the * register.
> >
> > Note that I use ^= rather than +=.  That is because the default
> > setting for 'clipboard' includes the 'exclude' flag and the
> > 'exclude' flag must be the last flag in the 'clipboard' option.
> > Using ^= inserts the 'unnamed' or 'unnamedplus' flag at the
> > beginning of the 'clipboard' option.
> >
> > See
> >
> >    :help 'clipboard'
> >    :help :set^=
> >
> > HTH,
> > Gary
> >
> > --
> > You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> > Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> > For more information, visit

Best regards
Golubev Mikhail

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