Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Re: Insert-cursor/Overwrite cursor

On 30/08/11 05:12, meino.cramer@gmx.de wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry, I cannot remember how this feature was called...so it is
> difficult to search the help for ot ;)
> I can remember that there was a certain terminal sequence (was it
> that?) which has to set...where?...to enable the support of different
> cursor shapes (a | for insert mode and a normal block cursor for
> overwrite ... or vice versa) in different modes of vim.
> What was this exactly and where can I find the description of it?
> Thank you very much in advance for updateing my brain ! ;))
> Best regards,
> mcc

- For gvim it is the 'guicursor' option, which works in all gvim versions.
- The same option works also in the Dos/Windows console, but with
reduced features since there only the height but not the width of the
cursor can be modified. Any height can be used between 0% and 100% and
the modes which can be distinguished are the same as in the GUI.
- In other terminals, it may or may not be possible to modify the cursor
shape. The relevant settings are termcap entries t_SI and t_EI and, as
Christian said, the gory details are at ":help termcap-cursor-shape". In
this case, the exact codes to use vary from terminal to terminal and are
not found in the Vim help but in the documentation (if there is any) for
your terminal. Here the choice is often even more limited than on
Windows since in most cases the only possibilities are a full block
cursor, or an underline cursor, nothing else.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
165. You have a web page burned into your glasses

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