Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Re: Search and write

On 08/31/11 07:23, Lars Iselid wrote:
> If you have a search statement something like this:
> /[0-9]
> And want to write :w the matching content to a file. How to do? I've
> seen examples similar to this:
> /[0-9] . w>> my.txt

Depends on whether you want to write just the match, or the
entire line. If you want the entire line containing the
match(es), it's pretty easy:

g/[0-9]/w>> my.txt

If you just want to write those digits to the file, it's more
complex. Something like:

g/[0-9]/t.|s/[^0-9]\+//g|w! >> my.txt | d

which copies each matching line to the line below, deletes all
the non-digits, writes/appends the temp-line to the file, and
then deletes the temp-line.


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