Monday, August 29, 2011

Re: storing variables in viminfo

On Aug 29, 1:29 pm, "Christian Brabandt" <> wrote:
> On Mon, August 29, 2011 10:06 am, sinbad wrote:
> > my viminfo setting is viminfo='20,"50,! and my variable name is
> > g:MYLIST
> > i am running vim 7.0. even after the above settings the variable is
> > not saved
> > am i missing anything else.
> Storing dictionaries or lists is only supported with Vim 7.3.030
> regards,
> Christian

hi Jürgen,

Actually it is a list. As storing lists doesn't seem to be supported
in vim 7.0
is there any workaround for this, besides installing latest vim.
as this is office server, i have to install it locally. and i faced
many lib issues while doing that (latest vim requires latest ncurses,
termlib ...)


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