Sunday, September 25, 2011

Re: Remembering syntax when moving in and out of buffers

On Sep 25, 12:09 pm, Tony Mechelynck <>
> I also use 'autowriteall'. I prefer it by far to 'hidden' which some
> people find so useful. When I want _not_ to save a modified file, either
> I don't give it a name, or if it already has one, I make sure I :quit!
> it with a bang before I close Vim. It may be because the first editor
> which I used seriously, on Dos 2 or some such, could use split-windows
> but would save the current file whenever (if modified) you changed windows.

Off-topic, but I use 'confirm' because both 'hidden' and
'autowriteall' were too extreme for me, but I dislike needing to tell
Vim anything twice, the second time with a !.

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