Sunday, November 27, 2011

Re: NeoComplCache plugin set map to select from popup

=> On [2011-11-27 14:09:53 +0100]:
Christian Brabandt Said:
> Hi stardiviner!
> > >
> > > What's your problem?
> > > <C-n> and <C-p> are default mappings to select from popup.
> >
> > I tested, I find <C-n>, <C-p> can not work correct. when I press <C-n>, will input ^N directly.
> You need to use those mappings when the popup-menu is displayed. In
> insert mode, it won't work. See the documentation of the plugin, how to
> start completion mode.
Yes, I use those mapping when popup-menu is displayed, then I press <C-n> or <C-p>
can not select item, but there is one <C-u> to choose item. this <C-u> can work.
And I have seen the help document, there are two ways to start completion mode.
One is automatic popup, another is use map to manually start with <Tab>.
I use automatic method.
> > I guess some thing is conflict with NeoComplCache. Or some wrong with my upper configuration.
> > And I have checked my vimrc. No other <C-n> setted. Do you know some thing will affect this ?
> > my vimrc is at here [ ], it is very long ....
> Sorry, this is way to long. Is there a reason, you need such a long
> .vimrc? BTW: See
> for debugging.
This is awesome, this is better for me. Thanks very much.
Actually I have a simple way to debug my vimrc, I comment all Bundle(vim scirpt/plugin)
except this NeoComplCache and vimproc plugin. But this <C-n> problem is still at there.
> regards,
> Christian
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