Tuesday, November 29, 2011

RE: Scrolling Long Lines Revisited. Again.

James Cole wrote:
>> This seems like a perennial topic[1], that regularly gets
>> dismissed --
>> vertically scrolling by "screen lines" vs. "real lines".
> I feel the same way.

So do I, as I have recently done some editing of text where a
paragraph is a long line (possibly thousands of characters).

Particularly annoying is doing diffs with such files:
Vim does everything well, but when a change is near the end of a
long paragraph, it is impossible to see it due to scrolling.

The problem is that the people who want scrolling fixed to make
Vim usable with long lines are not the same as the few people
who are capable of working out what changes would be required
to the source.

In principle, donations to Bram's ICCF charity enable Vim
sponsorship with voting on wanted features:

However, there are already too many items and not enough
workers (Bram does 99.5% of the coding).


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