Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Re: _vimrc file on Windows with 7.3

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Ben Fritz <> wrote:

On Nov 20, 6:44 pm, Henry Hertz Hobbit <> wrote:
> Here is the contents of the_vimrc file:

Your mappings are commented out, in that file. Also, although it may
not matter, I'd use :nnoremap in this situation instead of just :map.


YOU ARE CORRECT!  I didn't even look at it carefully like I should
have.  Part of that is I have too many comment formats I am looking
at with BAT, sh, C, EMACS, PERL, JavaScript... NOW I can remember
when I did it. I did it when I gave my _vimrc file to somebody else and
because they probably don't want those function key mappings I commented
them out in their folder.  I accidentally copied that file in place rather then
the one I should have copied. I will try nnoremap which is more appropriate.
See the changes in the file.

> I am normally starting vim via a gvimi.bat file in cmd.exe.
> Here is what is in that file:

Why do you normally ditch the viminfo file? I find it extremely
useful. If you really don't want it, why not just set the viminfo
option to an empty string in your _vimrc?

I don't even have a viminfo file any more except on Windows
where I may right click and edit something from the GUI.

I find history extremely unuseful for the way I work.  I never
go back to where I was at in a file I edited before.  That is my
main but not only objection to history.  It isn't just vim where I try
to stop history when I can.  I also wipe out what files were opened
with LibreOffice and OpenOffice (90% of them aren't even in
existence any more so why have them as recently used?).
I clean those histories and several others including my BASH
history using a trim script file that cleans them all out.  Only
in BASH do I find history useful. But it is useful only as long
as the xterm is open. Once all xterms are closed I want the
BASH history to disappear. Otherwise all new xterms opened
inherit mostly the history of the last closed xterm.  That is
usually NOT what I want since every one of the xterms is
usually dedicated to doing only certain things. I usually have
at least nine xterms open all the time on Linux and BSD.

I don't like tilde backup files either.  If it is a hot system
file I copy it some place else and use scripts that make
backups with dates for the older file.

It serves me right for commenting out the function key
mappings for somebody else in the first place.  Let THEM
comment them out.  Which comment characters am I most
used to?  "//"  It is used in both C and JavaScript and I
believe JavaScript is number one in my comment echelon
and vim is last.  Now you know why I missed it.  In almost
everything else a double-quote contains a string.


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