Merry Christmas to all!
Hopefully anyone of you can help me with my latest problem:
I want to write a function that extends the behaviour of t.T.f and F,
so that the character-search does not stop at the end of the current line.
I just could not get it to work with the built in function search(),
because in order to emulate t<char> and T<char>,
I need to call /char/e-1, which I cant do using search().
So far I tried:
function! ExtendT(searchChar)
" search does not accept the 'e-1':
" search('/'.a:searchChar.'/e-1')
" can't be passed as "flag" to search:
" search(a:searchChar, "/e-1")
" eval does not work:
" eval '/'.a:searchChar.'/e-1'
" exe doesn't work either:
" execute '/'.a:searchChar.'/e-1'
Anyway, I am unsure, if getting the above function to work and mapping it to e.g. t,
this will work as a movement-command in Vim?
So will I be able to do ct#
on the following (cursor-position is indicated by *):
This is l*ine one
and I want to change until here #.
Help will be much appreciated.
Santa Claus says, he provides the one presenting a solution
to this problem with a chocolate Vim-Statuette.
Have a nice Christmas and a Happy new year!
Kind regards!
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