Sunday, December 25, 2011

Re: How to search from inside a function

On 25/12/11 15:49, Asis Hallab wrote:
> Merry Christmas to all!
> Hopefully anyone of you can help me with my latest problem:
> I want to write a function that extends the behaviour of t.T.f and F,
> so that the character-search does not stop at the end of the current line.
> I just could not get it to work with the built in function search(),
> because in order to emulate t<char> and T<char>,
> I need to call /char/e-1, which I cant do using search().
> So far I tried:
> function! ExtendT(searchChar)
> " search does not accept the 'e-1':
> " search('/'.a:searchChar.'/e-1')
> " can't be passed as "flag" to search:
> " search(a:searchChar, "/e-1")
> " eval does not work:
> " eval '/'.a:searchChar.'/e-1'
> " exe doesn't work either:
> " execute '/'.a:searchChar.'/e-1'
> endfunction
> Anyway, I am unsure, if getting the above function to work and mapping
> it to e.g. t,
> this will work as a movement-command in Vim?
> So will I be able to do ct#
> on the following (cursor-position is indicated by *):
> This is l*ine one
> and I want to change until here #.
> Help will be much appreciated.
> Santa Claus says, he provides the one presenting a solution
> to this problem with a chocolate Vim-Statuette.
> ;-)
> Have a nice Christmas and a Happy new year!
> Kind regards!
> Asis

:call search('x')

will bring you to the next x

You could then use (untested)

:if col('.') == 1
: if line('.') != 1
: norm! k$
: endif
: norm! h

if you wanted to go to the preceding character, wrapping to the previous
line if at the start of a line.

To map it to just ct# -- now, you can get that # as v:char in an :abbr
<expr> expression, but any of the following cannot be done while
evaluating the expression, only by "typing" the _result_ of the expression:

- changing the text
- switching to a different buffer
- the :normal command
- moving the cursor
is allowed, but the cursor will be returned once the expression has been

so it is not as simple.

Maybe (untested)

function ToChar(char, fwd, exclusive)
call search(a:char, a:fwd ? "e" : "b")
if a:exclusive
if a:fwd
if col('.') == col('$')
if line('.') != line('$')
norm! j0
norm! l
if col('.') <= 1
if line('.') > 1
norm! k$
norm! h
function GetUnmodChar()
let char = getchar()
while getcharmod()
let char = getchar()
return char

omap t :call ToChar(GetUnmodChar(),1,1)<CR>
omap T :call ToChar(GetUnmodChar(),0,1)<CR>
omap f :call ToChar(GetUnmodChar(),1,0)<CR>
omap F :call ToChar(GetUnmodChar(),0,0)<CR>

Best regards,
"I don't care who does the electing as long as I get to do the
-- Boss Tweed

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