Sunday, December 4, 2011

Re: What does ^S work?

On 04.12.11 20:13, Francis (Grizzly) Smit wrote:
> On 04/12/11 18:07, IL HAN wrote:
> >When I hold down the [CTRL] key and press the 's' key simultaneously
> >(both in command mode or insert mode), since then, any key and any
> >command doesn't work. And I cannot escape from that state.
> >Can you please, fix it? or let me know how to escape from that state
> >if you know that.

OK, the escape from purgatory: CTRL-Q negates CTRL-S

And it doesn't only happen in Vim. Try this:

$ cat > /tmp/fred
asfga <- type some characters, then CTRL-S, followed by more "gggggg"
<- No output. Hit CTRL-Q, then the characters come out:

So it happens even in the terminal. It's not a bug. CTRL-Q has
traditionally sent an XOFF, and CTRL-S an XON, where x stands for
transmit (xmit). These are used on serial links where hardware flow
control is lacking. So your CTRL-S served to turn off data flow.

> :help ^S yields
> :[N]sp[lit] [++opt] [+cmd] *:sp* *:split*
> Split current window in two. The result is two viewports on
> the same file. Make new window N high (default is to use half
> the height of the current window). Reduces the current window
> height to create room (and others, if the 'equalalways' option
> is set, 'eadirection' isn't "hor", and one of them is higher
> than the current or the new window).
> Note: CTRL-S does not work on all terminals and might block
> further input, use CTRL-Q to get going again.
> Also see |++opt| and |+cmd|.

Ah, recalling how a new user reacts to acute weirdness, like console
lockup, I wonder if that note's prominence is entirely user friendly?


I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god
than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other
possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
-- Sir Stephen Henry Roberts

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