Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

Hi Tony. I didn't get vary far. Here is what I tried. From the Vim
EX Line editor I typed::!mkdir $HOME/vimfiles
This cmd window popped up:
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c mkdir $HOME/vimfilesThe syntax of the
command is incorrect.shell returned 1Hit any key to close this
Is there a syntax error?


On Dec 27, 12:55 am, Tony Mechelynck <antoine.mechely...@gmail.com>
> On 27/12/11 05:26, wolfv wrote:
> > Thanks Tony.  I don't know what else to do.  Most of this Vim code is
> > over my head.  I am using Vim 7.3 on Windows 7.  This is what it says
> > in my :h runtimepath:
> >                                    PC, OS/2: "$HOME/vimfiles,
> >                                            $VIM/vimfiles,
> >                                            $VIMRUNTIME,
> >                                            $VIM/vimfiles/after,
> >                                            $HOME/vimfiles/after"
> >    This is a list of directories which will be searched for runtime
> >    files:
> >      filetype.vim  filetypes by file name |new-filetype|
> >      scripts.vim   filetypes by file contents |new-filetype-scripts|
> >      autoload/     automatically loaded scripts |autoload-functions|
> >      colors/       color scheme files |:colorscheme|
> >      compiler/     compiler files |:compiler|
> >      doc/          documentation |write-local-help|
> >      ftplugin/     filetype plugins |write-filetype-plugin|
> >      indent/       indent scripts |indent-expression|
> >      keymap/       key mapping files |mbyte-keymap|
> >      lang/         menu translations |:menutrans|
> >      menu.vim      GUI menus |menu.vim|
> >      plugin/       plugin scripts |write-plugin|
> >      print/        files for printing |postscript-print-encoding|
> >      spell/        spell checking files |spell|
> >      syntax/       syntax files |mysyntaxfile|
> >      tutor/        files for vimtutor |tutor|
> > So what code do I put in what file?
> > Regards,
> > wolfv
> All commands I give below should be run from within Vim.
> First, create a vimfiles subfolder in what Vim know as $HOME:
>         :!mkdir $HOME/vimfiles
> If you get an error saying that the directory already exists, that's OK.
> For a different error, if it isn't obvious what to do, come back here.
> Second, create a filetype.vim in that new subfolder (I assume that you
> don't yet have one in _that_ directory):
>         :e ~/vimfiles/filetype.vim
> " filetype detection script (user customizations)
> " I'll say this once only
> if exists("did_load_filetypes")
>         finish
> endif
> " allow continuation lines
> let s:cpo = &cpo
> set cpo&vim
> augroup filetypedetect
> " text files
>         au BufRead,BufNewFile
>                 \ *.txt,README*,LISEZMOI*,LIESMICH*,LEESMIJ*
>                 \ setf text
> " add additional filetype detection autocommands above this line
> augroup END
> let &cpo = s:cpo
> Then save your work:
>         :x
> You might also want to set back $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim to what it was
> before you changed it.
> The next time you start Vim, it will regard files matching the patterns
> you set in that autocommand as being text files. (I gave an example, you
> may vary it if you prefer a different list: LISEZMOI, LIESMICH and
> LEESMIJ are used for README in French, German and Dutch respectively.)
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> --
> "I can remember when a good politician had to be 75 percent ability and
> 25 percent actor, but I can well see the day when the reverse could be
> true."
>                 -- Harry Truman

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