Saturday, January 28, 2012

Re: Redhat Linux has crippled Vim

On 29/01/12 00:57, howard Schwartz wrote:
> As mentioned the link does not work. But curious. is their some reason
> linking gvim to a name like vim would work, when just renaming gvim to
> vim -- or copying gvim to vim and putting the latter in some directory
> early in one's path would not work?

No, copying the system gvim to $HOME/bin/vim should work too, but it
would use maybe 3 or 4 megabytes of additional disk space instead of
less than 20 bytes. As for renaming gvim to vim, you cannot do that if
it resides in a directory where you don't have write permissions;
otherwise it should work too — but you wouldn't have a gvim executable
anymore, you would have to invoke the GUI as "vim -g" or create a
softlink gvim -> vim …

Do you mean that when you copy the file accessed by `which gvim` to
$HOME/bin/vim and try to run it it complains about some missing library,
but that running it directly as gvim works correctly (in GUI mode)? That
would be most unusual.

Best regards,
The seven deadly sins ... Food, clothing, firing, rent, taxes,
respectability and children. Nothing can lift those seven milestones
from man's neck but money; and the spirit cannot soar until the
milestones are lifted.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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