Sunday, January 29, 2012

Re: Why is caret (^) so slow?

* Tim Chase <> [120129 17:01]:
> On 01/29/12 18:50, Tim Johnson wrote:
> >I've been using vim for 12 years now :) and am just getting around
> >to ask this question.
> >
> >Why is the ^ so slow?
> >When I press ^, there is a noticeable wait time
> >before the first non-blank char is selected.
> Answer: it's not, by default. :)
> It's likely a mapping that starts with "^" interfering, waiting
> for the mapping timeout.
> As AK answered, check for mappings beginning with "^". Another
> test would be to check if the time-to-wait changes based on the
> value you put in for 'timeoutlen'. If you set it to something
> ridiculously high like 20000, do you have to wait an agonizing 20
> seconds before "^" sends you to the beginning of the line?
> I suspect it may have entered your mappings by mistakingly typing
> something like
> nnoremap ^K something_I_want_to_do_with_ctrl+K
> instead of
> nnoremap <c-k> something_I_want_to_do_with_ctrl+K
:) You are exactly right. See my answer to AK
tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com

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