Sunday, January 29, 2012

Re: Why is caret (^) so slow?

On 01/29/12 18:50, Tim Johnson wrote:
> I've been using vim for 12 years now :) and am just getting around
> to ask this question.
> Why is the ^ so slow?
> When I press ^, there is a noticeable wait time
> before the first non-blank char is selected.

Answer: it's not, by default. :)

It's likely a mapping that starts with "^" interfering, waiting
for the mapping timeout.

As AK answered, check for mappings beginning with "^". Another
test would be to check if the time-to-wait changes based on the
value you put in for 'timeoutlen'. If you set it to something
ridiculously high like 20000, do you have to wait an agonizing 20
seconds before "^" sends you to the beginning of the line?

I suspect it may have entered your mappings by mistakingly typing
something like

nnoremap ^K something_I_want_to_do_with_ctrl+K

instead of

nnoremap <c-k> something_I_want_to_do_with_ctrl+K


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