Thursday, February 23, 2012

errorformat help need

Hi All,

I am trying to jump through C code warnings.

I have file with gcc warnings in /home/user/warn.txt:

./file1.c:123:15 warning: warning text here
./file2.c:111:11 warning: warning text here
./file3.c:133:10 warning: warning text here

I've code in /home/user/code_path, where files under /home/user/code_path/path_dir1/path_dir2/file1.c

I tried to use errorformat and caddbuffer command but no result.

I want to achieve the following. 
When I press key on current warning line, vim opens code in new tab and jumps to line and column specified in warning.

Could you please help me to setup vim to jump between warnings?


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