Monday, February 27, 2012

Re: Basic syntax highlighting fail

Christian Brabandt wrote:
> On Mon, February 27, 2012 05:28, Paul Harris wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using Vim 7.2.445 on Debian, with no .vimrc or .gvimrc.
>> I write a file to the /tmp path, called x.c
>> call("look
>> call_something();
>> I load up that file in gvim
>> vim /tmp/x.c
>> Turn on syntax
>> :syntax on
>> Split the buffer
>> :sp
>> And put a quote at the end of the first line, so it looks like call("look"
>> A"
>> The top buffer is correctly coloured, the bottom buffer is not.
>> Why? How can I fix it?
>> It is a source of a lot of syntax colour problems for me.
> I can't reproduce it. Try to give exact commands, how to trigger the bug.
> See also the faq ( Q: 36.12 and 2.5
> regards,
> Christian
I did reproduce it with vim 7.3. Looks like a bug to me, not the first
one I met with the syntax colors. Only the first window is updated
properly, even when the modification is done in another one.

If you want it to be fixed, your best bet is to open a bug.


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