Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Re: Vim for LaTeX

On Feb 29, 2012, at 3:41 AM, David Sanson wrote:

Take a look at and

Ah, see that you're one of the maintainers of vim-pandoc. Being familiar with mmd I'm vaguely familiar with pandoc. Your plugin is pretty impressive, at least judging from the documentation.

My reason for being interested in mmd is {1] I'm not a programmer, [2] I compose in and manage larger writing projects with Scrivener, which provides for export to latex via mmd, [3] I'm primarily interested in being able to use latex to format and print/publish short documents composed in vim.

Thanks again for the links, and I'll keep vim-pandoc in mind. [There is no documentation for mmd_vim.]

Eric Weir

"Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position, 
but certainty is an absurd one."
- Voltaire

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