Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Re: Vim Script that displays site-packages source python

Taylor Hedberg, Tue 2012-02-28 @ 22:34:47-0500:
> Colin Wood, Tue 2012-02-28 @ 17:44:25-0800:
> > Maybe I am not saying it right. Ill try again. I am looking to be
> > able to get source of a file that is installed in the site-packages
> > directory. Instead of opening the file and finding where it is in
> > the package I want to be able to do :PySource
> > django.views.generic.DetailView and it open a new buffer or window
> > with the source of the DetialView. Or something similar?
> It's quick and dirty, and would probably fail in some corner case, but
> would something like this work?
> function! s:PySource(module)
> let path = substitute(a:module, '\v(\w+)\.', '\1/', 'g')
> execute 'view /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/' .
> \ substitute(path, '/\w\+$', '', '') .
> \ '.py'
> execute '/\%(class\|def\)' substitute(path, '\v.*/(\w+)$', '\1', '')
> endfunction
> command! -nargs=1 PySource call s:PySource('<args>')
> It may require tweaking to work on your particular system (though it
> works on my machine), but this should at least give you an idea of how
> you might approach it.

Or it might be easier to just use ctags to create an index of your
site-packages directory, and then use Vim's tag lookup commands to
navigate to the code you want to see.

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