Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Re: Which runtime files for console vim?


howard Schwartz wrote:
> Question 1:
> Let me try to be more concrete: Im running gvim (7.0) in console mode only.
> Its runtime directories include these:
> autoload colors compiler doc ftplugin icons indent keymap lang macros
> plugin print spell syntax tools tutor dict thesaurus
> Which of these directories, or files in them can I eliminate, because I am
> only using textmode? I suspect icons can obviously go, probably ftplugins
> since I will not use ftp, compiler because I will not be compiling source
> code. Some of the menu files in the main runtime directory will not show up in
> a console.

just a note in addition to the answers you already got: "ftplugins" has
nothing to do with FTP, it's the directory for *F*ile *T*ype plugins.


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