Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vim startup options

I know the answer to this question is out there, but nothing I search for turns up what I'm looking for.

Is there a way from within Vim to determine what command line options were specified when that particular instance of Vim was started? Not compile options or .vim_rc settings, but strictly items specified on the startup command line. If Vim was started with '-r' and '+1234', is there a way to determine that from within Vim?

I'm having a problem where the first instance of Vim is running like normal, but when I launch additional instances those instances grab seriously huge amounts of memory and run like total dogs. This started after configuring a third party program to use Vim as its default editor and I have a suspicion this program changed something at the system level about the way Vim starts based on file type. I'd like to be able to see if the startup options are involved in some way.

  -- Jay

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