Wednesday, March 28, 2012

答复: map colon

Map <SPACE> to ":" maybe is a good idea, semicolon is fairly usefull too,
after all

发件人: [] 代表 John
发送时间: 2012年3月29日 9:06
主题: Re: map colon

On Thursday, March 29, 2012 11:11:15 AM UTC+13, sc wrote:
> I'm getting a tad fed up with having to press <shift> for colon
> commands.

and Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz wrote:
> my recommendation is to map it and save dozens of shift presses
> throughout the course of any given day

Yes, I do that, I've done it for decades, a real boon. If I'm f-ing and
t-ing a lot, and miss the ";" function, I sometimes unmap it, or noremap
something else to ";". The worst downside is when running vim without my
.vimrc, maybe on a new install, or testing stuff with vim -u NONE.

(The story goes that when Bill Joy wrote the original vi he was using an
ADM-3A terminal, which has an unshifted colon. Some claim he was simply
reproducing the existing ex prompt, which was a colon, but I say if his
colon (the one on his keyboard I mean ;)) had needed shift he would have
quickly changed it.)

Regards, John

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