Thursday, March 29, 2012

Re: Abbreviations do not work with

I answered my own question, but will share for the benefit of others.

The AutoPair plugin had wreaked a bit of havoc with space bar. Once I disabled this plugin, the space bar worked fine with abbreviations.

I discovered this by :verbose imap <space>, which pointed it out quickly.

JT Mitchum
On Mar 29, 2012, at 2:01 AM, jtmitchum wrote:

> Hello,
> I wanted to add an abbreviation for my email, but I found that none of
> my abbreviations work the way I expect them to.
> example.
> :ab jjm
> when I type jjm in insert mode - after I hit space, nothing happens.
> If I use any other key after this, then the abbreviation expands as
> expected (I can use <CR>, ', ' , '\' and many others)
> Why won't my abbreviations work with space bar?
> Using MacVim - vim 7.3
> (.vimrc file follows)
> syntax on
> "Highlights matching bracket pairs.
> set showmatch
> set backspace=indent,eol,start
> set nocompatible
> "Set Colorscheme - I like this one because I can read comments
> colorscheme vividchalk
> au FocusGained * :colorscheme vividchalk
> au FocusLost * :colorscheme wombat
> "Experimental Justin Shit
> set statusline=%F\ \ %m%r%h%w\ \ \ \ TYPE=%{&ff}:%Y\ \ \ \ BUF=%n\ %=\
> [ASCII=\%03.3b\ :\ HEX=\%02.2B]\ \ \ \ [COL=%v\ :\ LINE=%l\ :\ %L\
> lines\ :\ %p%%]\ \
> "This option is for Tex I believe
> filetype off
> " Set preview program for PDF's
> let g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'Preview'
> "Turn on Conceal feature which I thought would be cool.
> set cole=2
> hi Conceal guibg=black guifg=white
> "This loads my plugins for me - by default stored in bundles/
> call pathogen#infect()
> filetype plugin indent on
> set modelines=0
> set encoding=utf-8
> set scrolloff=3
> set autoindent
> set showmode
> set showcmd
> set hidden
> set wildmenu
> set wildmode=list:longest,full
> set visualbell
> set cursorline
> set ttyfast
> set ruler
> set laststatus=2
> "Line numbers are relative from cursor position - Not sure if I like
> it yet or
> "not!
> set relativenumber
> set undofile
> "If I change focus, save the file - even if temporarily
> au FocusLost * :wa
> au FocusLost * silent! wa
> "Set mapleader to , - surely faster than \
> let mapleader = ","
> "Make a new vertical split window
> nnoremap <leader>w <C-w>v<C-w>l
> nnoremap / /\v
> vnoremap / /\v
> set ignorecase
> set smartcase
> set gdefault
> set incsearch
> set showmatch
> set hlsearch
> nnoremap <leader><space> :noh<cr>
> nnoremap <leader>nt :NERDTree<cr>
> ""nnoremap <tab> %
> ""vnoremap <tab> %
> nnoremap j gj
> nnoremap k gk
> nnoremap <leader>q gqip
> inoremap ii <ESC>
> let tlist_tex_settings = 'latex;s:sections;g:graphics;l:labels'
> let tlist_make_settings = 'make;m:makros;t:targets'
> --
> You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> For more information, visit

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