Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Re: delete between lines problem

On 03/28/12 05:16, wrote:
> I often find myself with this kind of problem. I would like to go from this
> main :: IO ()
> main = first line of something -- cursors is somewhere here
> second line of something
> to this
> main :: IO ()
> main = second line of something
> Generally speaking, i move through "first line of something"
> with 'w' and 'b', press 'D' and then 'x'... but the latter
> part is not working as I expect (i.e. bringing 'up' the second
> line).
> I looked in the manual on how to modify x behaviour, but I
> wondered if there is another (more simple or more 'correct')
> solution

I think you're looking for "j" to join the lines. Depending on
where you are, I'd use f/F/t/T to jump to the desired location,
use D to delete the rest, and then use "j" to bring up the line
from below. In your specific example (where the cursor is
somewhere in the later parts of the "main = " line), I'd use


to jump backwards just shy of the "=", delete the rest, and join
the lines together.


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