Friday, March 30, 2012

Re: :help WITHOUT split screen

On Friday, March 30, 2012 7:30:36 AM UTC-5, coot_. wrote:
> Hi,
> What about using an autocommand:
> au BufEnter * if &filetype == 'help' | :only | endif

This will wreck havoc if you ever intentionally split the help window, for example to view two help topics side by side.

I would lean toward something like this, were I to want an automatic method:

au bufwinenter *.txt
\ if &filetype=='help' | wincmd p |
\ if &filetype!='help' | wincmd p | wincmd T |
\ else | wincmd p | endif |
\ endif

Probably I would tweak this to not actually switch the window but use a function to retrieve the option value without switching windows, but this seems to work fairly well in a few minutes of testing.

I normally just prefix the :tab though, and don't really feel the need for any automatic method.

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