Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Re: how to map CTRL with none-letter keys

On 03/27/12 09:21, Taylor Hedberg wrote:
> You don't mention whether you're using Vim in a terminal or GVim. In a
> terminal, this is generally not possible, because typically, terminals
> can only receive Ctrl key combinations which have a corresponding ASCII
> control character, and none of the characters you listed do.
> In GVim, I don't see why this wouldn't work, but I don't use GVim much
> so maybe there's an issue I'm overlooking.

I don't think they're available in gvim either. I just pulled up
gvim (GTK2, v7.2 on Debian Linux) and tried several
unconventional control+{nonalpha char} mapping combinations and
had hit-or-miss results. If I mapped them by issuing control+V
followed by the character in question, several worked (such as
control+backslash, control+at and control+caret) though I believe
they have ASCII equivs. None of the other punctuation characters
(comma, period, colon, semicolon, quote, apostrophe, and most of
the other characters over the digits on my US keyboard) worked
with a literal mapping. Also, none of the attempts to use the
"<c-foo>" notation worked for me such as "<c-bslash>" or "<c-^>"
(both of which worked in mappings created using control+V).


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