Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Re: map colon

On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 10:20:00PM +0100, Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz wrote:
> I'm getting a tad fed up with having to press <shift> for colon
> commands.

you don't need to

> I have seen this suggested:
> map ; :

they should have also told you why they were saying that

> But someone commented: "Don't map ":" to anything, it's a bad idea! "

> Not sure why?

one of the wonderful things about vim is, it's entirely up to

the semi colon is useful if you to a lot of searches restricted
to the current line -- you'd want an alternative if you are
among these (:help ; will take you to the section in motion.txt
where the semi-colon's default mapping is described -- it
repeats the single line search commands like f)

i personally have mapped ; to : for years now, and love it -- i
never do single line searches, and have never needed the
semi-colon command

my recommendation is to map it and save dozens of shift presses
throughout the course of any given day

it is up to you


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