Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Re: Statusline function quirks

Benjamin Haskell wrote:

> Three related questions about statusline:
> 1. The help for 'stl' states that the statusline will be evaluated with·
> each window (and buffer) set to the current window (and buffer). So, is·
> it a bug in the following that the local settings of the current window·
> are mirrored in all statusline entries? (Version info below¹)
> " This isn't what I'm actually doing in my function
> " It's just a reduced test case
> fun! StatusLine()
> let indent = '('.repeat('·', &l:sw).')'
> let cole = &l:cole ? ' ['.&l:cole.']' : ''
> return indent . cole
> endf
> let &stl = '%!StatusLine()'

That remark about the current window applies to %{} items. Currently,
when using %! this does not apply. I don't think we can change this
without causing trouble.

You should change the 'statusline' so that it uses %{} items.

I'll add a remark to the help about this:

When the option starts with "%!" then it is used as an expression,
evaluated and the result is used as the option value. Example: >
:set statusline=%!MyStatusLine()
< The result can contain %{} items that will be evaluated too.
Note that the "%!" expression is evaluated in the context of the
current window and buffer, while %{} items are evaluated in the
context of the window that the statusline belongs to.

> 2. Is there a way to access the 'actual_curbuf' variable from within a·
> function called as part of 'stl'?
> E.g.:
> se stl=%!StatusLine()
> fun! StatusLine()
> " access actual_curbuf from here?
> endf

As above, use an %{} item instead.

> 3. Trying a non-function approach, should the following work (change the·
> highlighting for non-current statuslines)?
> let &stl = '%<%f%{bufnr("")==actual_curbuf?"":"%#Error#"}blahblahblah'

I don't think so.

This sentence is not sure that it exists, but if it does, it will
certainly consider the possibility that other sentences exist.

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