Monday, March 5, 2012

Re: Textpad to GVIM

Govind, Mon 2012-03-05 @ 08:18:05-0800:
> I was told that GVIM is pretty good in terms of being able to do
> stuff, so I want to get started using it. What are my next steps
> (I've installed it, of course).

If you just want to learn general Vim editing skills, I'd suggest typing
`vimtutor` into your shell and going through the lessons. Repeat daily
until it's second nature.

If you're wanting to know how to do the 3 specific things you mentioned,

> a) Columnar mode selection

Not entirely sure what you mean by this, but Vim has "blockwise visual
mode", which may be what you're looking for. Enter it by pressing

> b) ability to sort lines

The :sort command does this. See `:help :sort` for details.

> c) Word Wrap (at least nothing that jumped out)

`:set wrap` and possibly `:set linebreak` as well.

If you have more specific questions, then I or others on the list can
probably give you more detailed information.

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