Friday, April 27, 2012

Re: Colorschemes and split window

On Friday, April 27, 2012 10:56:55 AM UTC-5, rameo wrote:
> I use this code in my .vimrc to use my dark colorscheme when I open a .vim page and my light colorscheme when I open whatever other page:
> augroup filetype_colorscheme
> au BufEnter *
> \ if !exists('b:colors_name')
> \ | if &ft == "vim"
> \ | let b:colors_name = 'color_dark'
> \ | else
> \ | let b:colors_name = 'color_light'
> \ | endif
> \ | endif
> \ | exe 'colorscheme' b:colors_name
> augroup END
> However, it doesn't work fine in split windows.
> When I click on a .vim file in the split window all not .vim files changes to the dark colorscheme as well.
> I would like to keep them their own colorscheme; a .vim page always the dark colorscheme and whatever other file always the light colorscheme.
> I've learned that colorschemes will always affect the entire vim instance and that it is not possible to have a different color scheme per split window.
> In that point I would like to disable above code for split windows in order to give all split windows the default colorscheme (which I can change afterwards using :color "colorscheme") but don't know how to realize this. Whatever I tried didn't do what I want it to do.
> Can anyone help me?

You can check the number of windows with winnr('$'). If > 1, you have multiple split windows.

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