Monday, April 30, 2012

Re: Colorschemes and split window

It seems that I have found the solution (after many many hours of trying :-( )

I created the function below.
The function must do this (and seems to do it):

a) when there is only 1 window:
check if filetype is "vim" --> Dark_ColorScheme
if filetype is not "vim" --> Light_ColorScheme
b) when there is a split window:
check if exist split window colorscheme variable (g:splitcolor)
if yes, colorscheme of splitwindow = g:splitcolor

when leaving split window:
keep the value of the current color in g:splitcolor

Can anyone tell me if I made a mistake and if the function can be simplified?

function SetColors()
if winnr('$') > 1
if exists('g:splitcolor')
exe 'colors '.g:splitcolor
exe 'colors Light_ColorScheme'
elseif winnr('$') == 1 && &ft == 'vim'
exe 'colors Dark_ColorScheme'
elseif winnr('$') == 1 && &ft != 'vim'
exe 'colors Light_ColorScheme'
function KeepColors()
if winnr('$') > 1
let g:splitcolor = g:colors_name
augroup filetype_colorscheme
au BufEnter * call SetColors()
au BufLeave * call KeepColors()
augroup END

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