Friday, April 27, 2012

Re: Colorschemes and split window

Minor correction.

On 2012-04-27, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> On 27/04/12 18:34, rameo wrote:

> >Where would you place this in above code?
> >
> Around your autocommand:
> augroup filetype_colorscheme
> au BufEnter *
> \ if winnr('$') == 1
> \ | if !exists('b:colors_name')
> \ | if &ft == "vim"
> \ | let b:colors_name = 'color_dark'
> \ | else
> \ | let b:colors_name = 'color_light'
> \ | endif
> \ | endif
> \ | exe 'colorscheme' b:colors_name
> \ | else
> \ | colorscheme default
> | | endif
> augroup END


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