Friday, April 27, 2012

Re: Plugin manager with dependencies and selective bundle load

Excerpts from Pablo Giménez's message of Thu Apr 26 20:00:23 +0200 2012:
> I dont know exactly how it works but this is what it is doing ans is great.
> AFAIK in vam you have to activate the plugins manually using
> ActivateAddons, then the plugin rather than being waiting to be called it
> is loaded.

There is a 'func not defined' hook which can be used. Maybe that is
You're right, VAM does not support such yet.
Feel free to use VAM to :InstallAddons only and use tplugin for
activating them.

My understanding of pludins is:

plugin/*.vim: everything the user can customize (settings, interface,
mappings, commansds)

autoload/*: everything else

VAM has an experimental function to "merge" all plugin/* files so that
only one file is sources - but this still assumes that plugins only put
minimal configuration into the plugin files - and the if .. finish line
may be causing trouble easily and such.

Due to commands I personally assume that plugin files should always be
read - you're right, you can replace commansds/ mappings by "fake"
implementations activating a plugin first.
Before you make me spend time on such do profiling and tell me what's
causing most trouble to you.

> Yep sorry my bad I got this working.
You're welcome. Its easy to miss a detail if there is so much new stuff.

plugin2 depending on plugin1 and auto activation:
Retry again. This would be a serious bug.

If can't make it work I can invite you to a SSH session so that you can
proof me that its behaving wrong easily.

Marc Weber

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