Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Re: Problem displaying euc-jp encoded file

On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 8:42:50 AM UTC-5, esquifit wrote:
> I downloaded the Japanese dictionary file "SKK-JISYO.M" [1] which is
> required for the skk vim plugin [2].
> [1], first
> link "download"
> [2]
> The first line in the file states that it is encoded in euc-jp. This
> is also the encoding detected by Firefox when the file is loaded in
> the browser. The ascii, kana and kanji characters are correctly
> displayed in Firefox. However I cannot get vim to display the
> non-ascii characters. Note that I have Japanese fonts installed that
> work just fine with other files with Japanese text.
> I played around with enc, fenc & Co. in all possible combinations and
> tried all supported Japanese encoding systems to no avail. Any idea?

What is the exact command you used to "play around" with enc, fenc, etc.? What is the exact command you used to open the file?

If this is a valid euc-jp file, this command should open it just fine:

:e ++enc=euc-jp SKK-JISYO.M

However, executing this command, I get the message,

"SKK-JISYO.M" [NOT converted][ILLEGAL BYTE in line 33][unix]

I note in :help encoding-names that euc-jp is only supported on Unix, so I tried using cp932 instead, as well as the "japan" alias. I get conversion errors for these as well in the same line.

I suspect your issue may be that you are on Windows and Vim cannot use euc-jp on Windows, at least according to the help. I'm not sure if there's a way around this. Perhaps there is an external utility you could use to convert the euc-jp document into a different encoding which Vim can understand, like cp932 or utf-8.

Otherwise, the issue may be that the file is not actually encoded as expected.

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