Friday, April 27, 2012

Re: [PS] how to send command back to the command line after typing 'v' from linux command line in set -o vi mode?

Sorry...I didn't see the entire subject line on my screen and
assumed you were talking about Vim. The bash vi mode ("set -o
vi") is a separate beast.

> But after I edit the command in vim, how do I get that command
> back to the command line? Or do I have to copy / paste
> manually?

Quitting vim will automatically execute the command as Taylor
mentions, which also puts it in your command history. You may
want to try using something like

bash$ fc -3

to edit the command you issued 3 back (or just "fc" to edit the
most recently issued command). Reading up on the "history"
command and bash's "event designators" may also provide you other
options. In emacs mode, using control+P will scroll back through
the history. In vi mode, hitting <esc> and then using k/j will
scroll around in the history, or you can use "/" and "?" to search.


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