Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Matchtime not working

I seem to have trouble with the matchtime option. As I understand it,
this option will show the matching-brace highlight for a short time,
then disappear. I cannot get this option to work, instead in all
environments the matching brace is highlighted indefinitely. I am
trying in these environments:

Konsole in KDE 4.7 and VIM 7.3
Konsole in KDE 4.7 SSHing into CentOS 5.x with VIM 7.0
Putty in Windows XP SSHing into CentOS 5.x with VIM 7.0
GVIM 7.3 in Windows XP
A recent Cygwin on Windows XP with VIM, I did not check the version
though and I no longer have access to it
Cygwin on Windows XP SSHing into CentOS 5.x with VIM 7.0

I have this in .vimrc on all the environments that I tried:
set showmatch
set matchtime=10

Is this not the right way to use matchtime, or am I understanding the
option incorrectly?


Dotan Cohen


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