Monday, May 28, 2012

Re: align columns

On May 29, 7:48 am, Charles E Campbell Jr <>
> sinbad wrote:
> > On May 28, 6:51 pm, Charles E Campbell<>
> > wrote:
> >> On May 28, 2012, at 9:33 AM, sinbad<>  wrote:
> >>> i have a text as follows.
> >>> apple  banana
> >>> cat   dog
> >>> elephant fan
> >>> goat hen
> >>> i want to make the above text aligned as follows.
> >>> apple      banana
> >>> cat         dog
> >>> elephant fan
> >>> goat       hen
> >>> is there any simple technique without doing to manually.
> >> See if particular, the \tsp mapping).
> >> Regards,
> >> C Campbell
> > while installing using tarball, i'm getting the following errors.
> > any idea why ?
> > ***vimball*** Source this file to extract it! (:so %)
> > removed 6 files
> > Vimball Archive
> > extracted<plugin/AlignPlugin.vim>: 41 lines
> > Error detected while processing function vimball#Vimball:
> > line  131:
> > E474: Invalid argument: silent w! ++enc=1 /home/sinbad/.vim/plugin/
> Sounds like you have an old vimball; in v32 there's a note that says:
>                * fenc extraction was erroneously picking up the
>                  end of the line number when no file encoding
>                  was present.  Fixed.
> So you should update your vimball plugin; you can also get it from my
> website:
> Its up to v35 now.
> Regards,
> C Campbell

Yup you are right, vimball is old. it worked after updating the
thanks for this nice script.

Thanks charlie for pointing to the utility.

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