Thursday, May 31, 2012

Re: Ansi colors in shell from vim using :shell

On 2012-05-31, Pablo Giménez wrote:
> 2012/5/31 Gary Johnson <>:
> > On 2012-05-31, Pablo Giménez wrote:
> >> Hello all.
> >> Is there any way to enable ANSI colors in a shell spawned from VIM
> >> using the :shell command?
> >> I just got the ANSI codes rather than the colors like in a regular
> >> shell using xterm or gnome-terminal.
> >
> > If you start Vim as vim, not gvim, in a terminal, then yes.  If you
> > start Vim as gvim, either in a terminal or from a GUI launcher, then
> > no.
> Well I use vim in both ways.
> So what is the way to solve it when I start as vim?

It should "just work". It could be that your TERM environment
variable is not being exported. In the :shell shell, execute

echo $TERM

If that doesn't show anything, then add

export TERM

to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile. I would put it in
~/.bash_profile, but the fashion these days seems to be to put
everything into ~/.bashrc.

> And when I start as gvim is there any way to start a terminal that
> doesn't use ANSI characters, or at least doesn't the ANSI codes?

The solution I use is to put this in my ~/.bashrc:

if [ "$VIM" ] && [ "$TERM" = "dumb" ]
# For gvim's monochromatic :shell
PS1='\n\u@\h \w\n\$ '
unalias ls
unalias grep


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