Monday, May 28, 2012

Re: how to match all Chinese chars?

On 28/05/12 08:10, Chris Jones wrote:
> On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 09:25:30PM EDT, William Fugy wrote:
>> On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 10:15 AM, Xell Liu <> wrote:
> [..]
>>>> Unless I missed something, and if you absolutely need to do this,
>>>> you could bypass the limitation by breaking up the range like so:
>>>>> | :g/[一-仿伀-俿倀-儀 ... 鼀-龻]/
>>> Good one! i'll give it a try. But so many characters,.....
> Depends how much one needs a regex that works for all cases or if
> something more relaxed can do the job at hand. I was also thinking that
> depending on the particular use case it might be possible to have
> a script create the regex and initialize a variable/register and use its
> contents in interactive commands to simulate a [:CJK:] character class
> more conveniently.
>>>> This corresponds to ranges:
>>>> | \u4e00-\u4eff
>>>> | \u4f00-\u4fff
>>>> | \u5000-\u50ff
>>>> | ..
>>>> | \u9f00-\u9fbb¹
>>>> Trouble is, this is going to add up to something like 80+ subranges and
>>>> may cause you to run into other limitations. I haven't tested the whole
>>>> range, only the above (it works here) but if nobody comes up with
>>>>> a better idea, and you choose go down this path, I would suggest
>>>>> generating the regex programatically..
>> thank you. Apparently it has just to be done like this way. Now I'm
>> dealing with this problem by Perl. Hope Vim could accomplish it.
> I don't use Perl but I would have expected it to provide native support
> for Unicode blocks. In this instance '\p{InCJk_Unified_Ideographs},
> which corresponds precisely to U+4E00...U+9FFF.
> See this:
>>>>> ¹ I think \u4e00-\u9fbb is the correct CJK range
>>> Yes. it's accurate.
> Sorry.. in fact, correct was the wrong word.. I really meant something
> like 'effectively assigned'.. \u9fbb-\u9fff do belong to the unicode
> range but afaict no characters have been assigned. Which makes it
> impossible to refer to them by character.. only by code point.
> CJ

There are additional "rare" CJK characters outside the BMP (in plane 2),
and there are other CJK "wide" characters elsewhere in the BMP (e.g.
fullwidth space, U+3000). For details, see "East Asian Scripts" in the
rightmost column of — hovering your mouse
over a link will display the codepoint range in a tooltip.

However, there is also a limitation in Vim, namely, a collection can
only match (IIRC) at most 257 different individual characters at the
same point. 4E00..9FFF alone is already much more than that.

Best regards,
Genderplex, n.:
The predicament of a person in a restaurant who is unable to
determine his or her designated restroom (e.g., turtles and
-- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"

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