Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Re: Matchtime not working

Dotan Cohen, Tue 2012-05-01 @ 15:14:08+0300:
> I have suppressed the matchparen as you mention, but I would still
> like to have the highlight show for one second. The showmatch and
> matchtime options are still not working. Can I enable them somehow?

The highlighting you are used to is provided by the matchparen plugin.
'showmatch' and 'matchtime' are, on the other hand, for Vim's built-in
(i.e. not implemented as a plugin) matching functionality, which, rather
than highlighting, jumps the cursor to the matching opening
brace/bracket/parenthesis for a brief time after the closing character
in the pair is typed. Try typing some opening and closing parentheses
after `:set showmatch` and you'll see what I mean. This feature is
turned off by default.

As far as I know, the matchparen plugin does not refer to the
'matchtime' option to determine how long to highlight; it is either on
indefinitely or it is off. Barring modification to the plugin itself, I
don't think there's any way to get precisely what you want.

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