Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Re: Problem Running vim on HP RX2800 I2 server with HP-UX 11I VERSION 3 OS

Ken Schmitt <Ken.Schmitt@tollgroup.com> wrote:

> We have recently purchased a new HP RX2800 I2 server with HP-UX 11I VERSION
> 3 operating system. I downloaded and our IT folks installed vim 7.3 (IA-64)
> from the following website:
> http://hpux.connect.org.uk/hppd/hpux/Editors/vim-7.3/
> When I run vim, I receive an error that libgtk-x11-2.0.so library file is
> not found. Clearly this file exists and is mentioned in the path, so what
> must be done to have vim operate properly with the standard HP operating
> software and libraries delivered with our system?
> Below is a screen capture showing the problem and I have highlighted
> relevant text in yellow:
> [wmsprod]@wmsr1 /home/kschmitt > setenv PATH /opt/gtk2.6/lib:$PATH
> [wmsprod]@wmsr1 /home/kschmitt > echo $PATH
> /opt/gtk2.6/lib:/usr/bin:/home/prod/tools/bin/hpux10:/home/prod/meldisco/wmsprod/bin/hpux10:/home/prod/meldisco/bin/hpux10:/home/pro
> d/meldisco/wmsprod/scripts:/home/prod/meldisco/scripts:/home/prod/wmscore/scripts:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/contrib/Q4/bin:
> /opt/perl/bin:/opt/gvsd/bin:/opt/ipf/bin:/opt/nettladm/bin:/opt/fcms/bin:/opt/wbem/bin:/opt/wbem/sbin:/opt/sas/bin:/opt/graphics/com
> mon/bin:/opt/hpvm/bin:/opt/atok/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/contrib/bin/X11:/opt/sec_mgmt/bastille/bin:/opt/caliper/bin:/opt/drd/bin:/opt/
> dsau/bin:/opt/dsau/sbin:/opt/resmon/bin:/opt/firefox:/opt/perf/bin:/usr/contrib/kwdb/bin:/opt/perl_32/bin:/opt/perl_64/bin:/opt/prm/
> bin:/opt/propplus/bin:/opt/sfm/bin:/etc/cmcluster/scripts/tkit/vtn:/opt/swm/bin:/opt/sec_mgmt/spc/bin:/opt/ssh/bin:/opt/swa/bin:/opt
> /hpsmh/bin:/opt/thunderbird:/opt/sentinel/bin:/opt/langtools/bin:/opt/gwlm/bin:/opt/ignite/bin:/opt/omni/bin:/opt/aCC/bin:/opt/cadvi
> se/bin:/opt/hpnpl//bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/kschmitt:/usr/etc:/home/prod/tools/bin/hpux10:/home/prod/tools/bin/share:/
> etc:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/fms_unix/com:.:.
> [wmsprod]@wmsr1 /home/kschmitt > vim
> /usr/lib/hpux32/dld.so: Unable to find library 'libgtk-x11-2.0.so'.
> Killed
> [wmsprod]@wmsr1 /home/kschmitt > cd /opt/gtk2.6/lib
> [wmsprod]@wmsr1 /opt/gtk2.6/lib > ll libgtk-x11-2.0.so
> -r-xr-xr-x   1 bin        bin        12955496 Feb  1  2006 libgtk-x11-2.0.so
> [wmsprod]@wmsr1 /opt/gtk2.6/lib >
> Thanks
> Ken Schmitt

It's not the PATH env variable which is used to search
for shared library, but LD_LIBRARY_PATH.



You can fix with with:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/gtk2.6/lib

Or ask the administrator to add /opt/gtk2.6/lib in

Vim-7.3 is a bit old already, you're better off
downloading the source and compiling Vim, or
else you're missing 531 patches of goodies.

-- Dominique

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