Thursday, May 31, 2012

RE: Visual-block Insert text from clipboard

oversky wrote:
> In Visual-block Insert operation,
> is it possible to insert text from register or clipboard to
> all selected lines?
> I use mswin.vim, so I press <C-Q> and select some lines.
> Second, I press I for Visual-block Insert operation.
> Then, I press <C-V> and paste text from clipboard.
> The text is pasted to the first selected line, Finally, I
> press <Esc> to quit Visual-block Insert operation, but the
> text does not copy to other lines I have selected.

Press Ctrl-Q (or Ctrl-V if haven't mapped it) to start visual
block selection. Then I for block insert. Then press Ctrl-R
(insert register contents), followed by a letter for the
register you want to insert. That would be + or * for your


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