Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Re: Weird cursors behaviour when using vim in terminal in insert mode

Pablo Giménez <pablogipi@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I have an issue using vim in the termninal.
> Every time I go to Indert mode and try to sue the cursor it just
> begging to write the letter A,B,C,D and creates a new line.
> I have been digging and seems it is because of the internal definition
> of the termcap in Vim.
> So I tried the next:
> set term=builtin_ansi
> But then it is messing up the colors.
> The term is xterm-256color by default.
> Is there ane way to get the cursors working properly without changing
> the termn, or using the xterm terminal?
> I forgot  to say I am using latest vim 7.3.
> Thanks


:set nocompatible

I don't remember the reason, but cursor keys only work
with nocompatible in insert mode.

-- Dominique

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