Thursday, June 28, 2012

Re: fullscreen in vim dont change $LINES and $COLUMN after quit vim

On Friday, June 29, 2012 1:22:06 PM UTC+12, sgra ekim wrote:
> I use vim in xfce terminal, I always launch vim then fullscreen the window, this cause the height and width changed. but when I quit vim and type a long line in bash's readline, the line mess wraped. 
> I get that SIGWINCH force bash to update it's $LINES and $COLUMN from bash's manual. SO i guess when I fullscreen in vim, vim traps the signal, and the bash doesn't know this.

No help to you, but my konsole in KDE doesn't do that. Nor does gnome-terminal in Gnome, and I even booted into XFCE from my systemrescuecd, and it didn't do it; LINES and COLUMNS set correctly back in bash. My understanding is that the signal is sent to every process in the process group, vim's catching it doesn't stop bash from getting it.

Conceivably, your bash has been told to ignore the signal, or do something else. What does the bash builtin trap say after you exit vim?

Regards, John

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