Friday, June 29, 2012

Re: fullscreen in vim dont change $LINES and $COLUMN after quit vim

Oh, I solved this.

I find these from a faq of Bash.

E11) If I resize my xterm while another program is running, why doesn't bash
     notice the change?
This is another issue that deals with job control.
The kernel maintains a notion of a current terminal process group.  Members
of this process group (processes whose process group ID is equal to the
current terminal process group ID) receive terminal-generated signals like
SIGWINCH.  (For more details, see the JOB CONTROL section of the bash
man page.)
If a terminal is resized, the kernel sends SIGWINCH to each member of
the terminal's current process group (the `foreground' process group).
When bash is running with job control enabled, each pipeline (which may be
a single command) is run in its own process group, different from bash's
process group.  This foreground process group receives the SIGWINCH; bash
does not.  Bash has no way of knowing that the terminal has been resized.
There is a `checkwinsize' option, settable with the `shopt' builtin, that
will cause bash to check the window size and adjust its idea of the
terminal's dimensions each time a process stops or exits and returns control
of the terminal to bash.  Enable it with `shopt -s checkwinsize'.

So, maybe I post this question in wrong place.

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