Friday, June 1, 2012

Re: How to show custom taglist in window like :tag or :ptag

    Ben Fritz <> May 31 11:01AM -0700  

    On Tuesday, May 29, 2012 9:38:16 PM UTC-5, stevenfrog wrote:
    > endfor
    > echo newtttlist
    > But how to show them like :tag and :ptag in vim?
    I don't understand what you're trying to achieve.
    Assuming your taglist contains tags named "List" your code will echo them to the screen. Which tag do you wish to jump to? If you have the tag name in a variable, like tag_i_want_to_jump_to, you can jump to it with something like:
    :exec "tag" tag_i_want_to_jump_to
    If you want to do something else, please try to tell us SPECIFICALLY what you are trying to do, what you tried, what you expected to happen, and what happened instead.


Please ignore the "echo newtttlist
I just use it for testing.
This function's is used filter the tags.
I search tags with name "List", and only left 'c, i'.
For example:
There are 10 tags, after my function filter, there are only 3 left.
Then I want to now how to show then like :tag,
The original ':tag XXX' show tags in a seperate window and ask user to select one and jump to it.
If I filter some of them, it make easier to select one tag from list.

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